nó brasileiro do GBIF SiBBr


Fundada em 1933 pelo Prof. João Moojen, no MZUFV há uma rica coleção zoológica de vertebrados. Possui cerca de 30.000 exemplares de peixes, 15.000 exemplares de anfíbios, 4.000 de répteis, 1.900 de aves, 4.300 de mamíferos e 1.000 peças fósseis.

Taxonomic range

Kingdoms covered include: Animalia.

Geographic range

Brasil, com ênfase no Cerrado e Mata Atlântica de Minas Gerais

Number of specimens in the collection

The estimated number of specimens in the Museu de Zoologia João Moojen collection is 60,000.

Of these 50,000 are databased. This represents 83.3 % of the collection.

Click the Records & Statistics tab to access those database records that are available through the atlas.

Metadata last updated on 2020-09-18 09:57:11.0

Digitised records available through the Atlas

The Museu de Zoologia João Moojen collection has an estimated 60,000 specimens.
The collection has databased 83.3 % of these (50,000 records).

No database records for this collection can be accessed through the SiBBr.

No records are available for viewing in the SiBBr.

Images from this collection